In marketing, you must have heard of marketing public relations. Are some of you still not familiar with this marketing public relations? If so, let’s look at the following explanation.
What is Marketing Public Relations?
Marketing Public Relations (MPR) is part of the marketing strategy and overall corporate strategy as a liaison between the company and its consumers and the wider community through the delivery of information, programs and convincing impressions, in an effort to show that the company and its products are in accordance with the needs, desires , interests and interests of consumers. Marketing public relations is the process of identifying, creating and communicating value, and maintaining customer-satisfying relationships to maximize company profits. The main purpose of marketing public relations is not selling (as in advertising activities), but rather to provide information, education and efforts to increase understanding through increasing knowledge about a product/service/company. Marketing public relations is a concept that is higher and complete than ordinary advertising because it will have a stronger impact and so that consumers remember it longer.
Public Marketing Marketing Strategy
there are three marketing public relations approaches that combine traditional marketing strategies and megamarketing dimensions, marketing public relations requires communication from parts that are not part of the traditional marketing chain. The marketing public relations strategies are as follows:
- Strategi Push
This strategy is where the company pushes its products through certain means. Producers aggressively promote their products to wholesalers (intermediaries), wholesalers promote to retailers (retailers) and retailers promote to consumers.
- Strategi Pull
This strategy is used to build consumer demand so it really costs a lot of money to create advertisements and promote them to consumers.
- Strategi Pass
Public relations has the power to influence and create favorable public opinion. The MPR program on the one hand is an effort to stimulate (push) purchases and at the same time can provide added value or satisfaction for customers (satisfied customers) who have used their products. On the other hand, through public relations tips in conducting two-way reciprocal communication based on reliable information and messages, it is hoped that it can create positive impressions on the company.
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